Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Physician Mobile Device Applications

Anne Zieger, editor of FierceHealthIT, writes in her recent editorial, "Physician mobile device use: It's your move", about the need to develop a suite of mobile applications that serves the needs of physician physicians. Because physicians are always on the go, the mobile device, I believe is ideally suited to a physician's workflow needs.

The problem however is the fact the physicians also need to access a vast array of detailed data when taking care of patients. The challenge with these applications has been with making the data easily accessible on a small mobile device and to do it in an efficient manner so as not to be awkward to use.

There are several very useful applications currently available for the mobile device. The Epocrates (http://www.epocrates.com/) drug data base is probably the most popular application designed for the mobile platform. As a physician, I always have it on me and constantly use it all day long.

Another application, that I feel will be very successful, is the mobile platform for medical education/CME/Case consults by QuantiaMD . What I like about this application, is that as a busy physician on the go, I can listen and watch interesting medical content by Quantia on my Motorola Q-phone. This content can be tailored by Quantia to come from my affiliated hospitals, such as hospital grand rounds. Physicians from my healthcare community can post interesting cases and do short powerpoint presentations which I can access on my mobile device or via the web.

I'd be interested in hearing about other mobile applications.

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