Saturday, November 3, 2007

Office Open XML for Healthcare

Roberto Ruggeri posted the following on his blog:
Using Office Open XML Formats to Support Electronic Health Records Portability and Health Industry Standards

It includes sample code
Here is a description taken from the site:
"Empowering patients and consumers to securely exchange Electronic Health Records is a big debate in the Health industry across the globe. In this article, we discuss some techniques that use Office Open XML Formats and how to embed custom XML formats to exchange data securely. This particular scenario shows the use of Health Level Seven (HL7) Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) to represent the Electronic Health Record in an industry standard format. It also shows how to include the data in a secured document, based on Office Open XML Formats, for portability across multiple care providers."

1 comment:

Simone Pringle said...

The HealthFrame personal health record (PHR) has recently announced its support for Office Open XML.

The technology we released allows for ASTM continuity of care records (CCR) documents to be encapsulated and manipulated from inside office documents. This technology allows two-way communication between CCR-compatible PHRs/EHRs and office documents, supporting the generation of office document reports as well as the extraction of continuity of care record information from office documents. The use of this technology also allows for the CCR exported to the office document to be dynamically modified by the word processing application and then re-imported into PHR/EHR systems.

A number of free tools and office templates can be downloaded from our site and our user community forum is publishing a series of educational posts helping patients understand the benefits of PHR to office integration:
